Group fairness

There are different ways of defining fairness . One major distinction is between group fairness and individual fairness.

The guidance material of the AI Fairness 360 Toolkit explains group fairness as such:

Group fairness, in its broadest sense, partitions a population into groups defined by protected attributes and seeks for some statistical measure to be equal across groups.

The Fairlearn toolkit takes a group fairness approach and explains it as follows:

There are many approaches to conceptualizing fairness. In Fairlearn, we follow the approach known as group fairness, which asks: Which groups of individuals are at risk for experiencing harms? The relevant groups (also called subpopulations) are defined using sensitive features (or sensitive attributes), which are passed to a Fairlearn estimator as a vector or a matrix called sensitive_features (even if it is only one feature). The term suggests that the system designer should be sensitive to these features when assessing group fairness. Although these features may sometimes have privacy implications (e.g., gender or age) in other cases they may not (e.g., whether or not someone is a native speaker of a particular language). Moreover, the word sensitive does not imply that these features should not be used to make predictions – indeed, in some cases it may be better to include them.

When one strives for group fairness, one has to decide how to define groups in terms of sensitive of protected features. This choice itself is not technical but sociological or ethical, and if this choice itself is unjust no technical tool will help you achieve fairness.

Another interesting and potentially counter-intuitive dynamic is that in order to ensure parity in terms of protected features, you need to have access to those. The gut feeling, from a privacy perspective, may instead be to not collect sensitive data in the first place.

Toolkits addressing group fairness typically implement several constraints that should be satisfied in order to speak of parity between groups. The guidance material of the IBM-AI-Fairness-360 toolkit further distinguishes two different “worldviews” underlying group fairness, the “we’re all equal” worldview and the “what you see if what you get worldview”:

There are two opposing worldviews on group fairness: we’re all equal (WAE) and what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) [4],[5]. The WAE worldview holds that all groups have similar abilities with respect to the task (even if we cannot observe this properly), whereas the WYSIWYG worldview holds that the observations reflect ability with respect to the task. For example in college admissions, using SAT score as a feature for predicting success in college, the WYSIWYG worldview says that the score correlates well with future success and that there is a way to use the score to correctly compare the abilities of applicants. In contrast, the WAE worldview says that the SAT score may contain structural biases so its distribution being different across groups should not be mistaken for a difference in distribution in ability.

Some fairness metrics may be particularly suitable for one worldview but not the other. Again, using fairness tools responsibly requires awareness of these different worldviews and their implications on fairness.

Aequitas: Bias and Fairness Audit Toolkit

Audit The Aequitas toolkit can both be used on the command-line, programmatically via its Python API or via a web interface. The web interface offers a four step programme to audit a dataset on bias. The four steps are: Upload (tabular) data Determine protected groups and reference group Select fairness metrics and disparity intolerance Inspect bias report Example audit report. This toolkit is useful for auditing bias and fairness according to a limited set of common fairness metrics, but does not offer algorithms for mitigating bias. Read more...

AI Fairness 360

The IBM AI Fairness 360 Toolkit contains several bias mitigation algorithms that are applicable to various stages of the machine learning pipeline. The toolkit implements different notions of fairness, both on individual and the group level, and several fairness metrics for both classes of fairness. The toolkit provides additional guidance on choosing metrics and mitigation algorithms given a particular goal and application. The following should be noted when using the fairness toolkit (and other similar toolkits, for that matter): Read more...

Alibi Detect

Alibi Detect is an open source Python library (sister library to Alibi ) focused detecting outliers, adversarial examples, and concept drift. Finding adversarial examples is relevant for assessing the security of machine learning models. Machine learning models learn complex statistical patterns in datasets. If these statistical patterns “drift” (in unforeseen ways) after a model is deployed, this will decrease the model performance over time. In systems where model predictions have an impact on people, this may be a threat to the fairness of the predictions. Read more...

Debiaswe: try to make word embeddings less sexist

Word embeddings are a widely used representation for text data. A well-known example in natural language processing (NLP) is Word2vec, which uses a neural network to learn latent vector representations of words. It turns out that relations in this latent vector space capture semantic relations quite well. For example, by finding similar vectors you typically end up with highly related or synonymous words. Another typical example is that when you add up the vectors of “king” and “woman”, you end up with the vector corresponding to “queen”, so even a form of conceptual calculus is possible. Read more...

Equity Evaluation Corpus (EEC)

This handcrafted dataset can be used to evaluate bias in AI using text data for NLP tasks. Dataset description: Automatic machine learning systems can inadvertently accentuate and perpetuate inappropriate human biases. Past work on examining inappropriate biases has largely focused on just individual systems and resources. Further, there is a lack of benchmark datasets for examining inappropriate biases in system predictions. Here, we present the Equity Evaluation Corpus (EEC), which consists of 8,640 English sentences carefully chosen to tease out biases towards certain races and genders. Read more...


The documentation of fairlearn is excellent and provides a good introduction to the topic of fairness in AI. It is emphasized that fairness algorithms are no plug-and-play technical solutions, but require serious thought about the context of the data and the problem at hand. Fairness is a fundamentally sociotechnical challenge and cannot be solved with technical tools alone. They may be helpful for certain tasks such as assessing unfairness through various metrics, or to mitigate observed unfairness when training a model. Read more...

Fairness in Classification

The not-so originally named “fairness in classification” provides a Python implementation of three fairness constraints for logistic regression: Disparate impact: similar acceptance rate for different demographic groups. See Zafar et al., 2017 a. Disparate mistreatment: similar misclassification rate for different demographic groups. See Zafar et al., 2017b Preference-based fairness (as opposed to parity-based fairness): a more game-theoretical approach where decision boundaries are chosen such that it can be shown that each group prefers its own decision boundary, if rational. Read more...

What-If Tool

The What-If Tool (WIT) takes a pretrained model and then allows you to visualize the effect of changing e.g. classification thresholds or the data points themselves on performance, explainability and fairness metrics. Many convenient functions for gaining insight in the data set are provided, such as binning on particular features, attribution values, or inference scores, computing partial dependence plots, and typical performance indicators such as a confusion matrix or ROC curve. Read more...

XAI Toolbox

This library is a small toolbox that offers some convenience functions for quickly visualizing imbalances in the data set, computing (permutation) feature importances and metrics such as the ROC-curve. A function to balance the data is offered through basic up- or downsampling, but other than this no fairness criteria are defined. Compared to other libraries the XAI Toolbox is very basic and currently the roadmap (which is not updated since 2019) does not include any major improvements. Read more...