Individual fairness

Whereas group fairness aims for some form of parity between groups characterized by some protected attribute, individual fairness is instead aimed at treating similar individuals similarly.

AI Fairness 360

The IBM AI Fairness 360 Toolkit contains several bias mitigation algorithms that are applicable to various stages of the machine learning pipeline. The toolkit implements different notions of fairness, both on individual and the group level, and several fairness metrics for both classes of fairness. The toolkit provides additional guidance on choosing metrics and mitigation algorithms given a particular goal and application. The following should be noted when using the fairness toolkit (and other similar toolkits, for that matter): Read more...

What-If Tool

The What-If Tool (WIT) takes a pretrained model and then allows you to visualize the effect of changing e.g. classification thresholds or the data points themselves on performance, explainability and fairness metrics. Many convenient functions for gaining insight in the data set are provided, such as binning on particular features, attribution values, or inference scores, computing partial dependence plots, and typical performance indicators such as a confusion matrix or ROC curve. Read more...